Introductory remarks
With a view to pursuing the general and quality-oriented objectives in its mission increasingly effectively, La Nuova RTV S.p.A. decided, back in 1999, to implement and sustain a quality management system. This management system, following the publication of the 2015 revision of standard UNI EN ISO 9001, was recently updated to bring it into line with new and revised requirements, ensuring the implementation and maintenance over time of an increasingly effective tool for facing the challenges of an ever-evolving market.
This tool will allow us to consolidate existing quality standards and ensure that our clients are left fully satisfied and remain loyal to us.
To reach this crucial objective, we need the commitment of not only the Management, but all our associates too.
General principles of our quality policy
In light of its desire to sustain and improve its management system over time, the Management, in its leadership and commitment, shall:
- identify and understand the organisation, its context and the stakeholders;
- identify the necessary company processes and how they interact;
- control and optimise these processes to prevent cases of non-compliance and limit complaints;
- assign clear tasks and responsibilities so as to effectively manage the processes;
- ensure that risk assessments are carried out on company processes and promote the actions necessary to reduce risks to a tolerable level;
- promote the importance of focusing on the client and, in general, stakeholders, in order to determine and satisfy their explicit and implicit needs;
- ensure that the applicable rules and regulations are respected and that all the requirements agreed on with clients and other stakeholders are met;
- strive to constantly improve the quality of company services, putting together appropriate plans for improvement year after year based on observations drawn from information provided on trends in company indicators;
- provide, through this policy, a reference framework for defining specific objectives and goals to include in the aforementioned annual improvement plan;
- limit the wasting of resources as far as possible;
- manage suitable relationships with stakeholders, ensuring internal and external communication as needed;
- distribute this policy to employees and all those who work for the Company, and make it available to the public;
- ensure that this policy is understood and re-assessed periodically, at the reassessment meeting held by the Management, to guarantee that it is always suitable;
- promote effective internal audits to remove and, if possible, prevent cases of non-compliance.
Commitments to external stakeholders
The Management shall, through its associates:
- prevent complaints from stakeholders and, should any arise, manage them effectively, identifying and implementing common and satisfactory solutions;
- sufficiently involve suppliers in the process of constant improvement, providing them with information and the contractual clauses to be respected;
- manage an effective external communication system;
- ensure that any checks carried out by authorised bodies are carried out in a spirit of cooperation and transparency;
- monitor the competition to evaluate challenges and opportunities.
Policy with regard to internal stakeholders
To carry out the above commitments, the Management shall:
- establish clear roles, responsibilities and authorities;
- ensure the involvement and motivation of all staff;
- promote management culture within the context of organisation and teamwork;
- establish and pass on the necessary knowledge to ensure the effective operation of its processes and make sure the end products are compliant;
- ensure actions aimed at improving the professionalism and awareness of staff;
- encourage internal communication between the various processes;
- encourage the flagging up of possible areas for improvement in terms of quality;
- request all staff to respect the law as well as all relevant procedures and instructions as meticulously as possible.
NB: this policy shall be distributed to all staff, made available to the stakeholders most involved in the company’s activities and at any rate to anyone who requests it.